How do I get the free bus pass?
All current SCC-Continuing Education students qualify for FREE public bus transportation under an agreement with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA).
using your smartphone. To create your account, use the same personal email you provided when you applied and registered for your classes.
What are the requirements?
- Must have a smartphone.
- Must have a valid email address.
- Must enroll and be active in one of the following instructional programs: Adult Basic Education, High School Subjects (Adult High School Diploma), Preparation for GED or HiSET, English as a Second Language, Short-Term Career Education, Workforce Preparation, Adults with Disabilities, Older Adult, and Parenting Education Program.
- Must attend classes regularly throughout the semester (defined as attending at least 75% of all class meetings each month)
- Must maintain good academic standing
- Students who become ineligible for any reason will lose their eligibility for the remainder of the semester/term.
How does it work?
Download the OC Bus Application to your mobile smartphone. Your pass will appear in the "My Ticket" section. To create your account, use the same personal email you provided when you applied and registered for your classes.
When you board, scan the pass on your smartphone or swipe your student ID if it was encoded for bus transportation.